STEM Movies

What do you do when you’re stuck at home? Watch tv, movies, maybe some cleaning in between if you can find motivation? Let’s be honest, we all know it is hard for our students to completely transition from an 8am to 3pm school day to all of the sudden distance learning from home. On top of it, many parents are teleworking and trying to keep up with their normal work duties. It is so easy to pop in a movie, so you can have a few minutes (or 2 hours!) to yourself.


How can we make this time more meaningful for our students? You should pick movies that students can connect learning to! Yes, believe me, all movies have teachable moments in them - think about plot, literature elements, writing process, and even STEM! Well if you know me, you know STEM is my thing, and lucky for you, my friend, Chris Woods has done the work for us! He has compiled a list of well known STEM movies along with project ideas, big questions, and ways to challenge our students to study more about a topic from the movie.

Checkout the list below to get your students relaxing and learning at the same time!

And be sure to check out Chris Woods’ website, Daily STEM, to find more resources.

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