Remote Learning with Flipgrid

Who would have ever thought that we would deal with a situation where our jobs as teachers were completely reversed? Certainly not me. It still seems surreal, even 7 weeks in, to wake up each morning and walk downstairs to my couch to get started on work for the day. No longer do I have a STEAM classroom full with students, technology, and building materials, but instead all I need is my computer to get the days going.

One of the biggest things that educators can do right now for their students is to continue building relationships and keep students engaged. A large part of relationship building is face-to-face interaction, which can be hard during distance/virtual learning. So we must utilize tools that will help us.

Cue Flipgrid.

I hope you’ve heard of it! If not, lucky you because you’re in for a treat. This tool is perfect both in the classroom and for remote learning. It will allow you to keep students engaged as they see your face and those of their classmates.

I’m sure you’re #1 question is, “How do I use this for remote learning?!” As the teacher you want to create a topic that students can respond to. You can even create a video discussing the topic with students. This allows your students to see you, giving them that sense of security, that yes, their teacher is still here for them. Because let’s face it, they can read the words in an email or on a website, but it is our voices and faces that give them a sense of normalcy.

Topic Ideas:

  1. morning meeting topic response

  2. book talks

  3. project demonstrations

  4. read alouds

  5. math conversations

You can get started on Flipgrid in less than 10 minutes. Try one of these topics! See how it goes with one topic and if it works for you and your students, build on that. Connect with them. Continue to build those relationships because the school year isn’t over, yet!

If you are looking for more information to get started on Flipgrid, then you don’t want to miss my blog post - What is Flipgrid?

What to broaden your knowledge of Flipgrid even more? Check out how you can use augmented reality with Flipgrid now - FlipgridAR!

If you’re looking for more tools in flipping the classroom, then check out my post - Flipping the Classroom.

You know you want to start with Flipgrid, but you’re not sure what a good topic is? Then learn more about their library that holds more than 10,000 user-generated topics - Flipgrid Disco Library.