
You maybe a pro at using Flipgrid in your classroom or you maybe new to the world of Flipgrid, either way you are going to want to stick around to learn how to integrate more into your Flipgrid usage.

Have you ever heard of AR? Augmented reality. It’s the idea of taking virtual elements and presenting them in the physical world. Think back to a few years ago when Pokemon Go was all the rage. People could take their phone, hold it up, and “see” various Pokemon in their neighborhood, park, house, or really anywhere. The phone acted as a tool to visualize something around you that wasn’t actually there.


Flipgrid has taken this technology and created a way for teachers to use AR in their classrooms. You maybe wondering how this is applicable in your classroom.

Just wait.

Have you ever walked around your own school and seen posters and papers on bulletin boards? Ok, we all have. Now have you ever wondered what type of work went behind that one piece of paper?

As teachers we all know a lot of work goes behind the final product, but how can we share that with others? Flipgrid AR.

After students create videos in Flipgrid, the teacher has access through their Educator Admin account to download a QR code for each video. You can tape the QR codes beside the student’s final product. As administrators, parents, and other teachers walk through the hallway all they need is their phone to pull up the video to listen to all of the learning behind that final product that is displayed!

Is your mind blown?! Mine certainly is. It is a game changer because you can bring student voice back to a stagnant product.

You maybe wondering how you can utilize this tool in your own classroom. Checkout this list:

  • family nights

  • homework

  • school events

  • book reviews

  • Science Fairs

  • student art galleries

  • send a personal message home

  • certificates

  • anything that comes to mind!

If you’re looking for step-by-step instructions to set up FlipgridAR, see how Flipgrid is here to help!

Are you not sure how to get started on Flipgrid? Then checkout my blog post - What is Flipgrid?

You know you want to start with Flipgrid, but you’re not sure what a good topic is? Then learn more about their library that holds more than 10,000 user-generated topics - Flipgrid Disco Library.

Are you wondering how Flipgrid can easily integrate into distance learning? Then don’t miss my blog post - Remote Learning with Flipgrid.