Cozy Up to a Good Book

Teachers are constantly trying to learn more to grow as individuals and to help their students. Are you like me and feel stagnant if you’re just doing the same thing year after year? We're constantly searching for the best lessons, activities, and professional development to afford our students with the best of the best.

As a STEAM teacher, it can be hard to find professional development that is just right for me. There are so many conferences out there for education in general, but content specific conferences can sometimes be hard to find, especially if you’re trying to stay local. And then you worry about the registration fees, travel, hotel, and the list could go on.

Sometimes we forget that some of the best professional development can come right at home when you curl up on the couch with a book! But then there's the problem that there's so many books out there that you don't know where to start! So I wanted to break it down for you. A list of books recommended by teachers! Over the past few years, as teachers have recommended books to me, I’ve written them down to save for later. I also used this list with my own co-workers for a summer professional development. We created small book clubs, shared our thoughts, and implemented new ideas the following school year. And let me tell you, they LOVED it!

I’m here to tell you, this list doesn’t disappoint. Each of these books came highly recommended by my closest friends, Twitter friends across the world, and co-workers in my building! Maybe you’ll even find some books that you haven’t even heard of. So don’t hesitate to download the list and start checking off those boxes because YOU and your students deserve it!

Professional Development Book Club Part 1