Cardboard Creativity

Who loves online shopping?! Me, personally? I love shopping in stores and sneaking in some extra steps to hit my daily goal at the same time. But what do I love about online shopping? Well, the convenience, of course, but also the boxes! My whole family knows that if they receive a box they cannot throw it out because my students certainly need it. That box is going to be turned into a roller coaster or new shop for Disney or a plant labeled with all of its parts! Bottom line, it’s not going to waste.

You see, students don’t just look at an empty cardboard box and see cardboard. They’re imaginations are running wild. They immediately start thinking of all the intricate designs they can create to display their learning.

So I challenge you, the next time you receive a box, don’t throw it out. Save it for your own kids at home, or give it to a teacher because our students have big plans for that box!

If you want to challenge your kids or students to expand their creativity with cardboard, but you find they need some extra help getting started, I created just the thing for you! My next STEAM at Home challenge board has been created…this time, Cardboard Edition! So download it today and start creating!

STEAM at Home - Cardboard Edition