5 Steps to Get Started with Ozobot

Have you heard about Ozobots yet? They’re the cute (yes, I said cute!), robot that can fit in the palm of your hand and they respond to color codes. The robots themselves are pre-programmed to respond in specific ways to a set of color codes that you can either draw on paper or on a digital device, such as a computer or iPad.

Given their size, durability, and required coding skills, they are perfect for students as young as kindergarten!

So you’re wondering how you get started? Follow these easy steps below.

  1. Turn it On - There is only 1 button on the side of the Ozobot. Hold it down one time and immediately let go to turn it on.

  2. Calibrate It - Your students should learn what this phrase means! You’ll want to calibrate your Ozobot before using it each time. It basically resets the system and you’ll find that it performs better when you do this. Check out this resource to share with your students on how to calibrate your Ozobot.

  3. Draw Lines - Once you have your Ozobot you’ll want to get comfortable with drawing lines of the appropriate size. The markers that come with the Ozobot make the perfect line thickness when you turn the marker sideways and draw a line. You’ll mostly use black lines for the robot to follow and then use a combination of the color codes throughout for your Ozobot to follow. Use the Ozobot Color Code sheet to reference the codes.

  4. Making Mistakes - You’re going to make mistakes as you learn to create lines and codes for your Ozobot to follow and that’s ok! Take time to explore your new robot before you start design challenges.

  5. Have Fun - Collaborate with friends, brainstorm design challenges, and explore a new way to code with your students!

Note: You do not have to memorize color codes! That’s not want learning to code with Ozobots is about. Make copies of the Ozobot Color Code sheet for students and laminate them to keep for longer.

Are you looking to purchase an Ozobot? Check out these products on Amazon - Ozobot Bit and Ozobot Evo.

Do you need an idea about how to secure funding for Ozobots in your classroom? Checkout my blog - How to Get Started on Donors Choose.

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