Happy Mother's Day


May 12th, 2019. My first official Mother’s Day. 

This school year came with a new change as I became a Mother on November 28, 2018. My son was born almost 4 weeks early. I remember that morning so clearly because I woke up in stomach pain, but refused to think it was labor. I told my husband that he should go to the gym and that I was going to work because I had too much to do and a lot of students depending on me. You see, as a teacher, your students depend on you like a mother too. While this is my first official Mother’s Day to my beautiful son, I’ve always felt like a piece of me celebrated Mother’s Day with all of my students.

It is my hope that as my son gets older and has teachers of his own, that they will feel the same way about him. I want them to nurture his curiosity, give him hugs, wipe away tears when he falls on the playground, jump for joy when he accomplishes that math problem he was agonizing over, and continue to create a culture of kindness in him. As they say, it takes a village, and teachers are a large part of that village. 

So to all of the teachers out there, Happy Mother’s Day. You sacrifice yourself for your students everyday and being a Mother is pure selflessness.